The next three processes form the focus of architects: service portfolio management, service lifecycle management and service portfolio management. 接下来的3个流程组成了架构师关注的要点:服务组合管理(PortfolioManagement)、服务生命周期管理和策略执行。
A good portfolio management service should involve a dialogue: if a client has an unrealistic expectation for return, inconsistent with his risk profile we have a duty to either re-educate the client. 良好的投资组合管理服务应包括对话:如果一位客户对于回报有着不切实际的预期,与他的风险取向不符,那么我们有责任对这位客户进行再教育。
Before trading begins, guidelines are reviewed with all operating areas of the firm, including portfolio management, trading, client service, trade processing and control. 在交易开始之前,客户的指导方针由公司里所有包括投资组合管理、交易、客户服务、交易程序和控制等在内的运营部门进行评审。
Portfolio Service Management and Service Billing Management concern the operational capacity of the system which ensure that the business process can be operated correctly. 组合服务管理和服务计费管理关注系统的业务能力,是保证业务可运营性的关键管理能力。